Kids Ministry

Whatever season of life you are in, we have a place for your children. We have trusted and trained volunteers who are ready to take care of your kids and share God’s Word with them.



We have a full nursery for infants and toddlers for Sunday School and Worship. The Nursery is located in the building to the right of our campus lot and there are signs that will point you in the right direction!


Prek - 5th grade

We have kids church each Sunday morning except the first Sunday of the month. We dismiss kids to kids church from the sanctuary just before the sermon. Kids will experience a fun environment with games and bible studies with trusted and trained adult leaders.

AIRkidz is our Wednesday night ministry during the school year where kids have a meal, have fun, make friends, and learn God’s Word. They meet in the Christian Outreach Center.

We also have a van ministry that is available for Sunday mornings and for AIRkidz on Wednesday nights. You can sign up for van ministry on the form below.

Have a Question? Let us know!

Join us this week!

Worship - Sundays at 10:50am

Sunday School - Sundays at 9:45am

Wednesday Night Adult Prayer Meeting 6:00pm

Wednesday Night AIRkidz (prek-5th) 6:00pm

Wednesday Night Youth (6th-12th) 6:00pm